Friday, March 23, 2018

Flu and other common illnesses

When I was young the flu vaccine contained live virus which made us a little sick to help us fight a major outbreak. Supposedly. By time I had a child the list of ingredients in flu shots and other vaccines was horrifying. As in someone should go to prison for tricking people into taking the stuff in their bodies. 
Now in 2018 we have people who have strong, good health that react so violently they die, because their immune system kicks in too strong which causes inflammation which brings them down the road of death. That's what we've been told... 

As a Christian the first thing I do is pray, AKA, speak God's word from the Bible.  After that come natural remedies: essential oils, teas, smoothies, tinctures, master cleanse, supplements, etc.
There is a virtual plethora of ways of treating illness. I'm researching Dr. Joel Wallach who says the flu can be killed in the body in a couple of hours!
We MUST educate ourselves and not listen to Doctors (whose medical schools are being fed by big Pharma) or the government (many of whose pockets are being lined by that same big Pharma).
Be/Get PROACTIVE and researching your health issues. Of course there is much on the internet that does not work and can be harmful in some cases. But there is so much more that is legit.
Fear is the wisdom of Darkness so choose to conduct yourself in the light, that is without fear and worry. Don't be afraid to look for your personal answers and what works for you.
'nuf said; have fun today
1. The Master Cleanse
2. Mustard Plaster.
3. Hot Rum Toddy.

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